If you need an interpreter: call the Translating and Interpreting Service for an interpreter to help you speak to any of the agencies in this section. Ask the interpreter to put you through to the agency you need. For more information about the Translating and Interpreting Service visit their website here or call: 131 450
If you are deaf, hard of hearing and/or have a speech impairment, then you can use the National Relay Service to phone any of the agencies (including Victoria Legal Aid) in this section for free. For more information about the NRS visit their website here.
TTY users: Call 133 677 and then ask for the phone number you need. Include the area code.
Speak and listen users: Call 1300 555 727 and then ask for the phone number you need. Include the area code.
Broadmeadows Magistrates' Court - (03) 9087 5734
Pre Court Information Form - https://www.mcv.vic.gov.au/form-finder/pre-court-information-form-family-violence-intervention-order-matter-fvio
Federation of CLCs - visit website here
The Federation of Community Legal Centres Victoria is the peak body and provides referral information about other legal centres.
Victoria Legal Aid - www.legalaid.vic.gov.au/
Victoria Legal Aid helps people who are seeking legal advice for legal issues. They also provide written legal information on their website.
The Law Institute of Victoria - https://www.liv.asn.au/web
Many private lawyers will provide 30 minutes of free advice. The Law of Institute of Victoria provides a listing of private lawyers who will do so.
Justice Connect - www.justiceconnect.org.au
Justice Connect facilitates the provision of pro bono legal services.
Justice of the Peace
The role of JP volunteers in Victoria is largely administrative, with their primary role focused on attesting to the execution of a document, witnessing a statutory declaration, witnessing an affidavit, certifying a true copy of an original document and certifying a person’s identity. To locate a JP in Victoria, you can search on their website here or call their enquiry line.
The Law Handbook - www.lawhandbook.org.au
The Law Handbook is a free online resource with a comprehensive and plain English guide on a wide range of legal issues.
Victoria Police: 000 (triple zero)
The Orange Door: 1800 319 355
Berry Street Northern Region Family Violence Service: 03 9450 4700, Monday to Friday 9am-5pm
Safe Steps: 1800 015 188 (freecall), 24 hour emergency help
National Sexual Assault and Family Violence Counselling Service: - 1800 RESPECT (1800 737 732, freecall), 24 hour counselling
WIRE - Women's Information: 1300 134 130, Monday to Friday 9am-5pm
Multicultural Centre for Women's Health: 03 9418 0999 or 1800 656 421
inTouch Multicultural Centre Against Family Violence: 1800 755 988
No To Violence (Men's Referral Service): 1300 766 491, 24 hour help
Djirra Aboriginal Family Violence Prevention & Legal Service: 1800 105 303
Family Violence Law Help Resources: www.familyviolencelaw.gov.au/
Lentara Uniting Care (for financial counselling): 9351 3600
Consumer Action Law Centre: 9629 6300
Financial Ombudsman’s Service (including disputes with an insurer): 1800 367 287
Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman: 1800 062 058
Energy and Water Ombudsman Victoria: 1800 500 509
Australian Competition and Consumer Commission: 1300 302 502
Better Place: 1800 639 523