Banksia Gardens
NCLC is part of the Hume Youth Justice Alliance a consortium of services led by Banksia Gardens to reduce youth crime, as part of this NCLC operates an outreach legal clinic at Banksia Gardens. NCLC participates in Good People Act Now (GPAN) network operating out of Banksia Gardens. (GPAN) is a youth led, prevention of violence against women initiative, operating out of Banksia Gardens in Broadmeadows. Northern Community Legal Centre was actively involved in the formation of GPAN and plays an ongoing role as a steering committee member of this innovative initiative.
Broadmeadows Family Relationship Centre McKillop Family Services Ltd.
NCLC participates in BFRC Safer Families Project providing priority family law advice for parties attending the Centre as well as Lawyer Assisted Family Dispute Mediation and Community Legal Education.
Broadmeadows Magistrates’ Court
NCLC provides a duty lawyer service at Broadmeadows Magistrates court for Victims/Survivors of family violence, three days a week and also participates in the Broadmeadows Court Users Network.
City of Hume
NCLC engages in a number of networks/activities supported by the City of Hume, and receives funding from the City of Hume for a bi-lingual Paralegal Community Worker to support our legal outreach at Kangan Institute, Broadmeadows.
City of Merri-bek
NCLC participates in the Merri-bek Family and Domestic Violence Network and has been an active participant in the development of the Merri-bek Gender Equity Strategy. In 2017 our CEO, Jenni Smith, was the winner of the Merri-bek City Council's Honouring Women in Merri-bek Award. NCLC is also an active participant in several other Merri-bek Networks.
Dallas Neighborhood House
NCLC provides an outreach legal clinic at Dallas Neighbourhood House.
Didi Bahini Samaj Victoria (DBSV)
NCLC partnered with DBSV in 2017 and recently commenced a project to support the facilitatation of a women’s group for Nepalese women. DBSV was formed in 2012 by a group of active Nepalese women who are committed to lobbying for a better world for women in Nepal and Australia. Their purpose is to advance, promote and empower women living in diverse cultural settings.
Federation of Community Legal Centres
NCLC is a member and active participant of several working groups.
Glenroy College
NCLC provides an outreach legal clinic and conducts community legal education activities at Glenroy College.
Kangan Institute, Broadmeadows
NCLC provides legal outreach and community legal education programs to newly arrived and refugee migrants participating in English language classes at Kangan Institute, Broadmeadows. NCLC also participates in the Kangan Institute Wrap around Services Network.
NCLC operates an outreach legal clinic at Headspace, Craigieburn.
Hope Street Youth and Family Services
NCLC provides an outreach legal clinic and legal education program to young people who are residing at the Hope Street refuge.
Merri Health
NCLC provides an outreach legal service to residents of Merri-bek from Merri Health sites in Coburg and Glenroy. NCLC is also an active member of Merri Health led Elder Abuse Prevention Network
Oorja Foundation
Oorja Foundation is a community-based organization that formed to address issues impacting on members of the Indian migrant community in the Hume LGA. Oorja focusses its work on issues of domestic violence, inter-generational conflict, child safety, elder abuse and social isolation. NCLC partners with Oorja Foundation to facilitate a women’s group for women of Indian origin. Oorja Foundation is also a key partner in our Indian Women’s Family Violence Project.
Mind Australia PARC and NorthWest Mental Health Service CCU
A NCLC community lawyer regularly attends the Broadmeadows Adult Prevention and Recovery Care Service (PARC) and the Broadmeadows Community Care Unit (CCU) to assist clients leaving in-patient psychiatric care with their legal problems.
NCLC provides an outreach legal clinic at Spectrum for newly arrived and refugee members of the community.
Sunbury Community Health
NCLC provides an outreach legal clinic at Sunbury Community Health.
Youth Projects
NCLC operates an outreach legal clinic at Youth Projects, Glenroy.
Mitchell Shire Council
Provided support for NCLC to open our new Wallan office. Mitchell Shire Council also funds our current Take the First Step Project.
Mitchell Shire Council Maternal Child Health
Partners in our maternal child health project, North-West Enhanced Pathways.